Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Where Are You?

Why do we continue to hold on to the notion that life--or our spiritual growth, or spiritual healing, or spiritual inspiration--begins someplace other than where we are right now? Why is it so easy to begin the sentences in our mind with "if only..." or "when..."?

I invite you instead to give yourself the permission to. . .

Regain the foolishness of wonder

Embrace the sacred in the daily

Celebrate gooseflesh

Radiate compassion

Find God in the ordinary

Live playfully

Spill laughter

Invite serendipity

Allow Spiritual Renewal to be a journey

Savor the moment

Delight in life, knee-deep in the sights, smells, sounds and textures of the day

And remember that Grace is a gift given to all.

Without exception. Period.

-Terry Hershey

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