Friday, December 27, 2013


     Jesus, Child of God, we welcome you now. Long have we waited for you. Our cluttered minds and our fettered hearts yearn for the freedom you bring.
    Jesus, Child of God, release us from the barriers that keep us from hearing your voice in our world today. Slow down our frantic, busy minds and activities so that we can “find our rest in you.”
    Jesus, Child of God, you are our strength, our hope, our comfort, and our consolation.  You are, indeed, the hope of the world. Send your strength and healing to every broken place, every despondent heart.
    Jesus, Child of God, you are our desire, our joy, our hunger, our longing.  Even nations desire you. We desire your peace and your presence in our hungering world and our longing hearts.
    Jesus, Child of God, let us welcome you with holy hospitality.  May we prepare a place within our hearts and our lives for your loving presence. Amen.
–Beth Richardson,
Child of the Light

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Tribute to Nelson Mandela

People cared about Nelson Mandela, loved him, because of his courage, convictions and care of others’....He perfectly understood that people are dependent on other people in order for individuals and society to prosper.
He transcended race and class in his personal actions, through his warmth and through his willingness to listen and to emphasise with others. And he restored others’ faith in Africa and Africans.
...Certainly, he was exceptional. But the spirit of greatness that he personified resides in all of us. Human beings are made for greatness. Nelson Mandela embodied and reflected our collective greatness. He embodied our hopes and our dreams. He symbolized our enormous potential, potential that has not always been fulfilled...
I believe he was saintly because he inspired others powerfully and revealed in his character, transparently, many of God’s attributes of goodness: compassion, concern for others, and a desire for peace, forgiveness and reconciliation.
As a mark of our respect for him, let us use this moment in our history to reach out to one another again, to prove to ourselves and the world that our greatness was not illusory – that it exists.
Let us love one another as we loved him. Let us celebrate Madiba, together, and not let him down.
-Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Friday, November 29, 2013


Generous God, thank you.
For the gift of life, the gift of creation,
and this amazing world,
thank you.
For the gift of lungs that know how to breath
without my telling them,
for galaxies that spin without my spinning them,
for living beings that surround me and give life,
I thank you.
For the mystery of my life,
the path that has brought me this far,
for all those who have been part of my story,
all of them, I thank you.
I am grateful for loved ones near and far,
for those I live with and those who I seldom see,
and those who have touched me only once,
for they are the tree that holds the nest of my life.
For the wonders that surround me,
the beauty and strangeness,
the color and music of this life,
I thank you,
and pray for eyes and ears of wonder.
For the mystery of your presence within me,
your attentiveness to my every heartbeat,
your unfathomable delight in my being,
your forgiveness and healing,
for your gift of renewal and your resurrecting in me,
and for your energy in me,
the shining sun of you in me,
I give thanks and pray that I may always be mindful.
For all your gifts I am grateful, delighted and amazed,
and pray that I may ever be so.
For all that is to come, I ask not for goods or favors,
but only this:
a heart of wonder, humility, gratitude and delight.
-Steve Garnaas-HolmesUnfolding Light

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

This is a Day for You

May this be a day of hope,
of expectation,
of relishing each moment
as a gift from you.
May this be a day of freedom,
of breaking free,
of loosening the chains that
still surround us.
May this be a day of peace,
of wholeness,
of knowing that our lives
are in your hands.
May this be a day of joy,
of blessings,
of living in your kin(g)dom
as a child of God.
-©John Birch

Friday, November 8, 2013

God of our Day

God of morning and rising sun,
with breaking dawn
the beauty of your creativity
is revealed for all to see.
And we shall sing your praise.

God of noontime and gentle rain,
you bring to us refreshment
on our daily journeying,
and the strength to persevere.
And we shall sing your praise.

God of evening and setting sun,
you send us out in faith
and bring us safely home again,
such is your love and grace.
And we shall sing your praise.

-John Birch

Monday, November 4, 2013


Without solitude it is virtually impossible to live a spiritual life.  Solitude begins with a time and place for God, and him alone.  If we really believe not only that God exists but also that he is actively present in our lives – healing, teaching, and guiding – we need to set aside a time and space to give him our undivided attention.  Jesus says, “Go to your private room and, when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in that secret place.” (Matt. 6:6)

From  Making All Things New by Henri J.M. Nouwen

Friday, October 18, 2013


One of the simplest and most powerful ways we can show God’s love for others is by treating them with dignity, no matter who they are or what their relationship to us.  When we take time to notice, greet and meet the eye of those around us  -- especially those who serve us – and when we speak kindly and patiently with them -– even when we feel we are not being well treated -- this give them dignity and shows God’s love.  Today, work hard to treat everyone with dignity and respect.

John van de  Laar

Saturday, October 5, 2013


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body. But rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn, and loudly proclaim...WOW! WHAT A RIDE!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Prayer of Peace for Our World

A Prayer for Our World
In light of the crisis in Syria

Sacred One,
We confess to you that we are often blind
to the plight of our neighbors.
Instead of turning the other cheek, we look the other direction.
Rather than hearing the cry of the oppressed,
we turn up the volume in our lives.
Rather than be prophetic,
we heap words that are meaningless to make us sound good.
There are people dying in Syria - suffering, displaced, lost.
The innocent go to bed each night,
afraid of what the darkness will bring.
We pray for peace in Syria.
We pray for those in power.
We pray for those who are suffering.
We pray for leaders who must make difficult decisions.
Will you join us as we pray and fast this day?
Will you change what is happening in Syria,
as you sit in the ashes with the innocent,
the suffering and the lost...
We don't know the answers, but we know that you do.
Please draw us closer to you.
Please hear our prayers.
Please show us your way.
Free us for joyful obedience, not because of what we can do...
but because of who you are.  Amen 
-DJ del Rosario  Pastor, Bothell UMC, Bothell, WA

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Silence is Good

God is a friend of silence. 
See how nature – trees, flowers, grass – grows in silence;
See the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence.
We need silence to be able to touch souls.

Mother Teresa

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My Wish for You

This is my wish for you:
Comfort on difficult days,
smiles where sadness intrudes,
rainbows to follow the clouds,
laughter to kiss your lips,
sunset to warm your heart,
hugs when spirits sag,
beautiful for your eyes to see,
friendships to brighten your being,
faith so that you can believe,
confidence for when you doubt,
courage to know yourself,
patience to accept the truth,
love to complete your life.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

God's Gifts for Us

How precious, O God, is your constant love!
We find protection under the shadow of your wings.
We feast on the abundant food you provide;
     you let us drink from the river of your goodness.
You are the source of all life,
     and because of your light we see the light.

Psalm 36:7-9  (TEV)

Friday, August 2, 2013

God's Grace Belongs to You

The grace of God means something like: Here is your life. You might never have been, but you are because the party wouldn't have been complete without you. Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid. I am with you. Nothing can ever separate us. It's for you I created the universe. I love you. There's only one catch. Like any other gift, the gift of grace can be yours only if you'll reach out and take it. Maybe being able to reach out and take it is a gift too.
-Frederick Buechner
Wishful Thinking

Thursday, July 25, 2013


“Prayer does not change God, but it changes the one who prays.” - Soren Kierkegaard

Friday, July 19, 2013

God Is..

May our ears be attuned
to the whisper of God,
our hearts open
to the love of God,
our voices raised
in the worship of God
and our lives transformed
by the power of God.
-John Birch

Saturday, June 29, 2013

What Are You Hungry For?

What are you hungry for? What do you desire – and what desire lies beneath that desire – or within it? What does your wanting teach you about yourself; about what you love, what you fear, what is possible? How does your longing meet the world’s longing? How do you pray with your desires?
Where the world of the hunger below you meets the hunger of the world within you: may you find yourself in this place.
- Jan L. Richardson

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Happiness is life.

When I ws 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life.  When I went to school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.  I wrote down 'happy'.  They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life. "  John Lennon

Friday, June 7, 2013


                   O God, ever wakeful, ever vigilant,
         your protection and loving care are always with us.
                Even in times when evil seems rampant,
                       in times of natural disaster,
                       in times of anxiety or grief,
              you guard our going out and our coming in.
 Through Jesus Christ we know your grace is sufficient. Amen.
- Ginger Howl
Upper Room Worshipbook

Monday, May 20, 2013

God's Glory

May you see the glory of God in sun and sky;
may you hear the Creator’s song in bird and breeze;
and may the grace of Christ’s Spirit course through you,
body and soul.
- Sam Hamilton-Poore
Earth Gospel

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

God Is....

Third and fourth graders at Wheaton (IL) Christian Elem. were asked to complete the sentence, “By faith, I know that God is. . . “
Amanda, “forgiving, because he forgave in the Bible, and forgave me when I went in the road on my bike without one of my parents.”
Brandon, “provides because he dropped Manna for Moses and the people, and helped my dad find a job.”
Jeremy, “merciful because my brother has been nice to me for a year.”
Hannah, “sweet, because God tells me not to do things that are bad.  I need someone like that.”

Me too.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013

When We Hurt

When tragedy strikes, when trouble comes, when life disappoints us, we stand at the crossroads between hope and despair, torn and hurting.
Despair cements us in the present. Hope sends us dancing around dark corners trusting in a tomorrow we cannot see because of the multiple pasts of life which we cannot forget.
- Joan D. Chittister
Hope: It’s More Than Wishful Thinking

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Remember Five Simple Rules to Being Happy:
1- Free your heart from hatred - forgive
2- Free your mind from worries - most never happen
3- Live simply and appreciate what you have
4- Give more
5- Expect less

Monday, April 1, 2013


Hallelujah! Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!Where will you see him risen?
This Sunday we celebrate the awe and wonder of the Easter miracle. We admire the lilies, drink in the sounds of triumphant brass instruments and consider the mystery of new life. We pray and give thanks. We feast with family and friends. But Easter is about more than one Sunday a year.
Our Easter celebrations are good and right, and they inspire our faith. But will you stand on your toes, or bend over low, like Peter, to find the Risen Christ? Will you look for him alive in the unexpected, forgotten places of this world? Will you climb higher than you think you can, to find him offering a new way of living to those who have too much? Will you prostrate yourself on hands and knees, to find him among the lowly and marginalized? After all, Jesus was not where the disciples expected him to be that early morning.
Will you keep your eyes open for the One who offers such astounding grace, to all, in such unexpected, unprecedented ways?
Mary Magdalene unexpectedly said, “I have seen the Lord!” May you truly see the Risen Christ anew this Easter.
-Rev. Meredith Vanderminden
Fellowship Reflections,

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Lenten Prayers

The new creations within ourselves begins when God hovers over the darkness and chaos of our own lives. There is no other way.
-Ben Alex
God's Politics Editor, Sojourners Magazine

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Lenten Prayer

Prayer is not primarily saying words or thinking thoughts.  It is, rather, a stance.  It’s a way of living in the Presence.  It is, further, a way of living in awareness of the Presence, even enjoying the Presence.  The full contemplative is not just aware of the Presence, but trusts, allows, and delights in it.”

Richard Rohr, as quoted in A Guide to Prayer for All Who Seek God

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Lenten Prayer

 When God takes something from your  grasp, he's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better.  Remember. "The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you." 
Pray:  'God our Father, walk through my house and take away all my worries and illnesses and please watch over and heal my family in your name, Amen.'  Ask yourself "Does God come first in my life?"  

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lenten Thought

One thing we ask of you, Sheltering God: that when we are afraid
you would bring us into your heart;
that when we lose our way,you would give us gentle guides;
that when we cry out to you,
you would grace us with your presence.

One thing we ask of you, Mothering Christ:
that you gather up our doubtsand transform them into confidence; 
that you surround our fearsand transform them into faithfulness; 
that you pick up our broken livesand transform us into your body.

One thing we ask of you, Spirit of Light:
that you hold so fast to us,  we can stand firm in the Lord; 
that you stick by usso we can wait for the Lord through the long hours of life; 
that you fill us with your gifts,  so we can see the goodness
of the One who comes.
-Thom Shuman

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Our Prayer

Rescuing God:
your wall of hope
surrounds us in our despair;
your haven of faith 
welcomes us in our unbelief;
your citadel of love
protects us from our anger.

Gracious Word:
you reach out to those 
we would dare not touch;
you greet those
we ignore on a daily basis;
you welcome those
we would close our hearts to.

Holy Spirit:
rest gently upon us,
so we might become kinder people;
caress us with your humility,
so we could let go of our pride;
show us your Way,
so we would not demand ours.
-Thom Shuman

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


This blessing finds its way behind the bars.
This blessing works its way beneath the chains.
This blessing knows its way through a broken heart.
This blessing makes a way where there is none.
Where there is no light, this blessing.
Where there is no hope, this blessing.
Where there is no peace, this blessing.
Where there is nothing left, this blessing.
In the presence of hate.      In the absence of love.
In the torment of pain.     In the grip of fear.
To the one in need.     To the one in the cell.
To the one in the dark.    To the one in despair.
Let this blessing come as bread.
Let this blessing come as release.
Let this blessing come as sight.
Let this blessing come as freedom.
Let this blessing come.

Jan Richardson

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Daily Thoughts

When we are down you raise us up, when we are weak you make us strong;
When we are lost you bring us hope, our Strength, our Saviour and our Song:
            To God be glory all our days!
When we are bound you set us free, when we are wrong you put us right;
When we are blind you let us see our world’s Redeemer and our Light:
            In Christ we come with songs of praise!

Robert Prizeman

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Right Path!!
Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble; it is a "steering wheel" that directs us in the right path throughout 

Sunday, January 6, 2013


The wise men come looking for Jesus. They search the skies. They travel the land. They consult with kings. They ready their gifts. All in the hopes of discovering a small child who might just change the order of things.
Where is the Child in your life today? Where do you discover Jesus, alive and changing the order of things, within you? Take a few moments now to pause, search, and give thanks when you find him within.
How might you ready your gifts so they might be offered well to the Holy Child? What talents or abilities need to be honed, expanded, trained or flexed? How might your sense of gratitude for these gifts be deepened or heightened, so you might offer your gifts to Jesus with the awe and wonder of the sages?
-Mariah Penford
Fellowship Reflections,

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Blessing

Take me into a new year, Gracious God.
Help me to continue looking for meaning,
seeking peace, praying for light,
dancing for joy, working for justice
and singing your praise.
I go into the new year filled with expectations,
a touch of worry, and a bundle of hope.
I do not journey into the new year alone
but with you as my guide,
with a commitment to my disciplines,
with a community of family, friends, and faith.
Take me into the new year, Creator of beauty and wonder.
Bless me with the companionship of Jesus,
and gift me with the guidance and power of the Spirit.