Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Greetings

Let Christ be born in you!
Let hope be born, Let love be born.
Let newness of heart be born in you!
Let gentleness be born, Let truth be born.
Let concern for the poor be born in you!
Let generosity be born, Let compassion be born.
Let close communion with God be born in you!
Let prayer be born, Let action be born.
Let the faith to take up your cross and follow be born in you!
And let it lead you in the ways of our Lord,
For the sake of our Lord.
Now and always. Amen.

- Alive Now, Nov.-Dec. 2003

Friday, December 23, 2011

Advent "waiting"

In many ways, Advent is a “not yet” season. Mary and Joseph have not yet traveled to Bethlehem, the infant Jesus has not yet been born, the angels have not yet appeared to the shepherds, and the star has not yet come to rest over the manger. Still, with all these “not yets” embedded in the Advent story, we spend these days and weeks living in faith that God will provide what has been promised—a long-awaited Messiah, a living hope. …

Consider this concept of “not yet” and carry it in imagination to the city, town, or village in which you live. Where is there “not yet” enough for some children to eat, a place for the homeless to live, some afternoon company for a lonely person to receive? Where is there “not yet” leeded leadership in your faith community or needed volunteers in your local community? How might your faith lead you to bring hope to one “not yet” circumstance so that you share in God’s restoring Advent love?

-Pamela C. Hawkins, Behold!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Winter Arrives

Blessing for the Longest Night

All throughout these months as the shadows have lengthened,
this blessing has been gathering itself, making ready, preparing for
this night.

It has practiced walking in the dark, traveling with its eyes closed, feeling its way
by memory by touch by the pull of the moon even as it wanes.

So believe me when I tell you this blessing will reach you even if you
have not light enough to read it; it will find you even though you cannotsee it coming.

You will know the moment of its arriving by your release of the breath you have held
so long; a loosening of the clenching in your hands, of the clutch around your heart;
a thinning of the darkness that had drawn itself around you.

This blessing does not mean to take the night away but it knows its hidden roads,
knows the resting spots along the path, knows what it means to travel
in the company of a friend.

So when this blessing comes, take its hand. Get up.
Set out on the road you cannot see.

This is the night when you can trust that any direction you go,
you will be walking toward the dawn.

-Jan Richardson,

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Thoughts

This year needs Advent;
Needs a keeping space of silence
and of darkness nearing down,
Someplace where all that can be still is stilled
And everything but hope and fear are gone,
Where there is less of me and more of grace.
There in the waiting moments you have willed
Lies healing for an often-wounded soul,
The deep recovery of who I am
Where every whispered longing to be whole I ever breathed is finally fulfilled.
-Jennifer Woodruff
Alive Now, Nov./Dec. 2000

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Thoughts

Holy Anticipation,
that breathtaking space in-between
what has been, what is, what is-to-come.
Where winter dreams reveal secret longings
and winged angels announce the coming of Love.

You draw us to the edge of Advent possibility
like the song of angels drawing shepherds—
eyes wide and breath held—
waiting, watching.

Come, settle into our living for awhile
and do not let us settle for too little.

-Pamela C. Hawkins
Simply Wait

Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Thoughts

Loving God, help me be the face of joy
to someone who might be struggling today.
If I am facing struggles of my own,
gently guide my thoughts toward gratitude,
that I may rejoice always in you. Amen.

- Beth A. Richardson
The Uncluttered Heart

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Thoughts

God calls us to come home for Christmas. God calls us to come back from all those places where we have settled for less than the fullness of life promised to us in Christ.

God calls us back from all the ambitions and possessions we have pursued, thinking they would satisfy us.

God calls us to let go of any bitterness and resistance to forgive that block the light of love from warming us.

Preparing for Christmas means looking deep within ourselves and asking if our hearts are truly at home in the lives we are living.

God calls us to come home and to rest, to be embraced by one who loves us as we are. God offers us a place where we are fully known and also fully accepted.

-Mary Lou Redding
While We Wait

Monday, December 5, 2011

Advent Days

God of comfort, wrap me securely in your nurturing arms.

Let me be your voice, your heart,

your loving touch to someone who needs a word of grace,

a voice of hope, a loving hug

during these sometimes difficult Advent days. Amen.

-Beth Richardson, The Uncluttered Heart

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thanks for Homes

As we contemplate all that we have to be thankful for"

A soldiers young daughter (her father in the process of being transferred and moved to a distant post) sits on the floor in an airport departure lounge, among her family's meager and ragtag belongings. Sleepy, the girl leans against the packs and lays her head on a duffel bag.

A well-dressed woman walking the concourse, stops when she sees the scene, and pats the little girl on the head. "Poor child," the woman says. "You haven't got a home."

The child looks up in surprise. "But we do have a home ma'am," she answers. "We just don't have a house to put it in." In her wisdom, the little girl knew that home is not what we own, but who we are.

It means a gradual process of coming home to where we belong and listening there to the voice, which desires our attention. Home is the place where that first love dwells and speaks gently to us. (Henri Nouwen)