Thursday, November 17, 2011

Looking for Answers

What kind of life does my heart want?
I find no easy answers to that question,
but I know the answer means
giving up the fantasy of always moving forward
and allowing instead for seasons of dormancy.
And it is always time to listen.
Perhaps the heart’s single greatest desire
is to listen attentively to the voice of God
speaking through scripture, nature, daily events,
and the kind of reflection that leads to expanding self-knowledge. …
My heart wants the kind of life that leaves room for God.

- Elizabeth J. Canham
Heart Whispers

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Today's Gift

This day is a gift from God,
and I open it with prayer and gratitude,
asking that I might use it wisely,
asking that there might be time and opportunity
to serve by sharing what I’ve been given.

- Roberta Porter
Alive Now, July/August 2011