Friday, November 29, 2013


Generous God, thank you.
For the gift of life, the gift of creation,
and this amazing world,
thank you.
For the gift of lungs that know how to breath
without my telling them,
for galaxies that spin without my spinning them,
for living beings that surround me and give life,
I thank you.
For the mystery of my life,
the path that has brought me this far,
for all those who have been part of my story,
all of them, I thank you.
I am grateful for loved ones near and far,
for those I live with and those who I seldom see,
and those who have touched me only once,
for they are the tree that holds the nest of my life.
For the wonders that surround me,
the beauty and strangeness,
the color and music of this life,
I thank you,
and pray for eyes and ears of wonder.
For the mystery of your presence within me,
your attentiveness to my every heartbeat,
your unfathomable delight in my being,
your forgiveness and healing,
for your gift of renewal and your resurrecting in me,
and for your energy in me,
the shining sun of you in me,
I give thanks and pray that I may always be mindful.
For all your gifts I am grateful, delighted and amazed,
and pray that I may ever be so.
For all that is to come, I ask not for goods or favors,
but only this:
a heart of wonder, humility, gratitude and delight.
-Steve Garnaas-HolmesUnfolding Light

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

This is a Day for You

May this be a day of hope,
of expectation,
of relishing each moment
as a gift from you.
May this be a day of freedom,
of breaking free,
of loosening the chains that
still surround us.
May this be a day of peace,
of wholeness,
of knowing that our lives
are in your hands.
May this be a day of joy,
of blessings,
of living in your kin(g)dom
as a child of God.
-©John Birch

Friday, November 8, 2013

God of our Day

God of morning and rising sun,
with breaking dawn
the beauty of your creativity
is revealed for all to see.
And we shall sing your praise.

God of noontime and gentle rain,
you bring to us refreshment
on our daily journeying,
and the strength to persevere.
And we shall sing your praise.

God of evening and setting sun,
you send us out in faith
and bring us safely home again,
such is your love and grace.
And we shall sing your praise.

-John Birch

Monday, November 4, 2013


Without solitude it is virtually impossible to live a spiritual life.  Solitude begins with a time and place for God, and him alone.  If we really believe not only that God exists but also that he is actively present in our lives – healing, teaching, and guiding – we need to set aside a time and space to give him our undivided attention.  Jesus says, “Go to your private room and, when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in that secret place.” (Matt. 6:6)

From  Making All Things New by Henri J.M. Nouwen