Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year Thoughts

It is very difficult to discern the voice of God in our own time. It seems impossible to know what a meaningful and relevant ministry is today, since technology and globalization make everything much more complex. However, the memory of It suffering is there in los pueblos (in the peoples of every corner of this earth that suffer), and it interrupts history. These interruptions can help us claim our humanity as people of God–again listening to the voice of God and recognizing the accompaniment of God as we walk with those who suffer–in our own suffering or our memory of suffering.

Creator God, help me reflect upon my own reality and the suffering around me. Empower me to walk in your reality as I remember the suffering of others. Amen.

- Cristian de la Rosa

From “Walking with el Pueblo”, in The Upper Room Disciplines 2010

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