Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Silence is Good

God is a friend of silence. 
See how nature – trees, flowers, grass – grows in silence;
See the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence.
We need silence to be able to touch souls.

Mother Teresa

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My Wish for You

This is my wish for you:
Comfort on difficult days,
smiles where sadness intrudes,
rainbows to follow the clouds,
laughter to kiss your lips,
sunset to warm your heart,
hugs when spirits sag,
beautiful for your eyes to see,
friendships to brighten your being,
faith so that you can believe,
confidence for when you doubt,
courage to know yourself,
patience to accept the truth,
love to complete your life.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

God's Gifts for Us

How precious, O God, is your constant love!
We find protection under the shadow of your wings.
We feast on the abundant food you provide;
     you let us drink from the river of your goodness.
You are the source of all life,
     and because of your light we see the light.

Psalm 36:7-9  (TEV)

Friday, August 2, 2013

God's Grace Belongs to You

The grace of God means something like: Here is your life. You might never have been, but you are because the party wouldn't have been complete without you. Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid. I am with you. Nothing can ever separate us. It's for you I created the universe. I love you. There's only one catch. Like any other gift, the gift of grace can be yours only if you'll reach out and take it. Maybe being able to reach out and take it is a gift too.
-Frederick Buechner
Wishful Thinking