Bill McKibben From McKibben's article, "The Problem with Christmas"
"Our environmental problem, at root, isn't that the stuff we're buying uses too much energy or too much plastic, or that its paint has lead in it, or that it's been shipped too far. Our environmental problem is that we consume way too much because we've agreed to try and meet basic human needs -- status, respect, affection -- with material ends. And no time more so than at Christmas, when Santa rides in on a Norelco razor. It's a kind of joint conspiracy that few of us dare break out of, even though we all understand at some level that it's not working. What if you don't give your kids a proper Christmas?
"But the second you do break out of it -- the second your family becomes one of those that exchanges used books at Christmas, or decides to follow St. Francis' Yule tradition of wandering the park and throwing seed so that the birds too could celebrate, or makes it an annual custom to serve turkey dinner at the homeless shelter -- then you start sharing in the deep human secret that consumer society is set up to obscure: the things that please us most are almost always counterintuitive. We need to be out in the cold air, we need to think about others, we need to serve." |
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thoughts for Advent
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thanksgiving Thoughts
You nourish us with friends as real as food
with joy as clear as water
with love as good as this meal.
This is enough .
This is more than enough reason
to bless Your name forever.
Make us always mindful of those
who do not have enough
food and friendship
water and love and joy.
Give them enough
that they too may be thankful
- - Mary Jo Leddy, in Radical Gratitude
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Thanksgiving Services
Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2010, 7-9 p.m.
Presented by Associated Ministries and Christ Episcopal Church 310 North K St. Tacoma, WA 98405
All faiths and congregations are welcome to this year's Thanksgiving Interfaith Service. Experience the religious ceremonies, symbols, sacraments and music of different faith traditions as we join togehter in thanksgiving. A reception will follow the service. For information, call 383-3056, ext. 107, or visit |
Saturday, November 13, 2010
The trust to which God calls us is not a timid trust. It is a bold, courageous trust that is written large so that even a passing runner can read it. It is a deep and hearty trust, one that leads us ever closer to God.
- Jan Johnson
The Upper Room Disciplines
Friday, November 12, 2010
Thoughts for November 7
Make me worthy, Lord, to serve you and all the world’s people who live and die in loneliness, hunger, poverty, and sickness. Give them through my hands this day their daily bread, and by my love, give them peace and joy.
- Norman Shawchuck and Rueben P. Job
A Guide to Prayer for All Who Seek God