Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Combined Worship for August 29!

On August 29th we will have a combined worship at the former Asbury Facility for all Bridge Congregations (Parkland, Bethany, St. Paul's and Sixth Ave.) There will be NO Service at Parkland UMC on this Sunday.

Also worship will start at 10:00 am with a potluck following. The Asbury Facility is located on 56th and Puget Sound.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Birth Announcement

To Stephanie & Nathaniel Bartlett who welcomed
Ojala Elizabeth Elaine Bartlet on 8/6/2010.
Bryce will have fun being a big brother!!!
And congrats to Eric & Debbie Hansen
on their first granddaughter.

Monday, August 2, 2010

It is time to clean out those closets. Out with the old and in with the new they say, right? Well, anyhow it is the time again to gather those things around your home for a Rummage Sale that will be held in late September or October (to be determined yet). Bring your gently used items to the church.
Please NO computers/etc. or exercise equipment.